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Single Garage Conversions

Welcome to our Recent Garage Conversion Projects section. Here we display our current and completed projects to give you an insight into our quality and successes.

Conversion at No. 5

Mr & Mrs G wanted a much-needed Games Room for their teenager son and their younger daughter.  On top of this, they have recently added to their family with two cocker spaniel dogs who have really taken to the room!...

Conversion at No.8

This mum, her 3 daughters and 2 dogs had been making use of their “DIY” converted garage.  With no window or heating and a relatively tight budget, they saw the light and we gave them the room they deserved....

Conversion at No. 11

With 3 young children, this couple needed the extra space and their garage was the perfect solution! The dad, being a media manager, has now made it the ultimate TV projector room....

Conversion at No.18

Terry, the man of the house and an IT genius who works from home, was having his mother-in-law move in permanently!  He phoned and shouted “Help, I need a new office” (secretly a man cave!).  Terry is now safely tucked away from the main house....